⇒ Deadline for applications ended on September 22, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.
Related documentation:
Resolution of the director of ICAC-CERCA on the permanent employment of a technician for activities related to the GIAP, within the framework of the execution of the Cultur-Monts (Interreg SUDOE) project (code G017.164) (Document digitally signed on September 27, 2024)
Call – English version (code G017.164)
Resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology, on the approval of the offer of an indefinite job for a technician for the development of communication and knowledge transfer activities for the activities linked to the Landscape Archeology Research Group (GIAP) within the framework of the implementation of the Cultur-Monts project (Interreg SUDOE) (code G017.164) (Document digitally signed on September 7, 2024)
Job offer to fill a 3D-technician position in Computational Archaeology for activities linked to the Landscape Archeology Research Group (code 017.161)
Resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology, declaring the termination of the procedure for the indefinite hiring of a 3D computational archaeology technician for activities linked to the Landscape Archaeology Research Group (GIAP) (code G017.161) (Document signed digitally on July 29, 2024) (in Catalan)
Related documentation:
Resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC-CERCA) on the approval of the offer of a permanent position as a 3D technician in Computational Archaeology (code 017.161) (Document signed digitally on June 21, 2024) (in Catalan)
Call (code 017.161) (in English)
⇒ The application deadline ended on July 12, 2024, at 23.59 h.
Job offer to cover an indefinite position as a postdoctoral researcher in computational archaeology for activities linked to the Landscape Archeology Research Group (code 017.159)
Resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology, declaring the termination of the procedure for the indefinite hiring of a postdoctoral researcher in computational archaeology for activities linked to the GIAP (code G017.159) (Document digitally signed on July 29, 2024) (in Catalan)
Related documentation:
Resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC-CERCA) on the approval of the offer of a permanent position as a postdoctoral researcher in Computational Archaeology (code 017.159) (Document signed digitally on May 29, 2024) (in Catalan)
⇒ The application deadline ended on June 13, 2024, at 23.59 h.
Job opening for a permanent position for a senior researcher specializing in Archaeobotany (code 017.135)
⇒ The application deadline ended on May 10, 2024, at 23.59 h.
Related documentation:
Resolution of the Director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC-CERCA) on the provision of a permanent position for a senior researcher specialized in Archaeobotany (code 017.135) (Document digitally signed on June 20, 2024) (in Catalan)
Definitive list of applications admitted and excluded in the job call for the provision of a permanent job for a senior researcher specialized in Archaeobotany (code 017.135) (Document digitally signed on May 14, 2024) (in Catalan)
Resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC-CERCA) approving the terms of the announcement for the provision of a permanent position for a senior researcher specialized in Archaeobotany (code 017.135) (Document digitally signed on April 15, 2024) (in Catalan)
Call (code 017.135) (in English)
Annex I. Application form (code 017.135) (in Catalan)
Internal promotion for the position of senior technician in the Documentation center, Library, and Open Science in the Management and Research Support Area (code 017.28)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on April 18, 2024, at 23.59 h.
Related documentation:
Resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC-CERCA) on the call for an internal promotion to the position of a senior technician in the Documentation Centre, Library and Open Science (code 017.28) (Document digitally signed on May, 10, 2024) (in Catalan)
Definitive list of admitted and excluded applications (Document digitally signed on April 22, 2024) (in Catalan)
Resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archeology (ICAC-CERCA) calling for an internal promotion to the position of senior technician in the Documentation Centre, Library, and Open Science of the Management and Research Support Area (code 017.28) (Document digitally signed on March 26, 2024) (in Catalan)
Job offer for a technician position for the management of scientific and technical activities and human resources linked to ICAC-CERCA research groups (code G017.155)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on February 7, 2024, at 23.59 h.
Related documentation:
Resolution of the director on the indefinite employment contract of a technician for the management of the scientific and technical activities and the human resources linked to the research groups of the ICAC-CERCA (code G017.155) (Document digitally signed on February 28, 2024) (in Catalan)
Resolution of the director of the ICAC-CERCA on the approval of the offer of an indefinite technician job for the management of the scientific and technical activities and the human resources linked to the research groups of the ICAC-CERCA (code G017.155) (Document digitally signed on January 25, 2024) (in Catalan)
Job offer for a technician position for management support tasks (multipurpose) (code G017.154)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on February 7, 2024, at 23.59 h.
Related documentation:
Resolution of the director of ICAC-CERCA on a fixed-term employment contract for management support tasks (code G017.154) (Document digitally signed on February 23, 2024)
Resolution of the director of the ICAC-CERCA on the approval of the offer for a technician position for management support tasks (multipurpose) (code G017.154) (Document digitally signed on January 25, 2024) (in Catalan)
Job offer to fill a position in Archaeobotany for a labor contract for activities related to the Bioarchaeology Laboratory (Archaeobotany) (code 017.150)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on December 8, 2023, at 23:59 h.
Related documentation:
Resolution of the director of the ICAC-CERCA on the indefinite employment contract to cover an archaeobotanical job position (code G017.150) (Document digitally signed on February 8, 2024)
Resolution of the director of the ICAC-CERCA on the approval of a permanent job position in Archaeobotany for the activities related to the Bioarchaeology Laboratory (Archaeobotany) (code G017.150) (Document digitally signed on November 10, 2023) (in Catalan)
Job offer for a position in Christian and Late Antique Archaeology for activities linked to MIRMED-GIAC research group (code G017.152)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on January 1, 2024, at 23:59 h.
Related documentation:
Resolution of the director of the ICAC-CERCA regarding the indefinite employment contract of a postdoctoral researcher in Christian Archaeology and Late Antiquity for activities related to the MIRMED-GIAC research group (code G017.152) (Document digitally signed on January 22, 2024) (in Catalan)
Resolution of the director of the ICAC-CERCA on the approval of a job offer for a position in Christian and Late Antique Archaeology for activities linked to MIRMED-GIAC research group (code G017.152) (Document digitally signed on December 13, 2023) (in Catalan)
Job offer to cover a position dedicated to the completion of a doctoral thesis focused on the study of protohistoric combustion structures on the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula, from an ethnoarchaeological perspective (code 017.148)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on November 28, 2023, at 2:00 p.m.
Related documentation:
Resolution of the director of the ICAC-CERCA on the temporary employment contract of a predoctoral researcher within the aid program for Research Staff Training of the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (FPI 2022) (code G017.148) (Document digitally signed on December 19, 2023)
Resolution of the director of the ICAC-CERCA on the approval of the offer for a predoctoral researcher within the aid program for Research Staff Training of the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (code 017.148) (Document digitally signed on November 14, 2023) (in Catalan)
Job offer to fill a senior technician position for the activities linked to the ArPA-LIRA research group (code 017.151)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on November 27, 2023, at 23:59 h.
Related documentation:
Resolution of the director of the ICAC-CERCA on the indefinite employment contract to fill a senior technician position for the activities linked to the ArPA-LIRA research group (code 017.151) (Document digitally signed on November 30, 2023) (in Catalan)
Resolution of the director of the ICAC-CERCA on the approval of a permanent job position as a senior technician for the activities linked to the ArPA-LIRA research group (code G017.151) (Document digitally signed on November 20, 2023) (in Catalan)
Job offer to cover a computational archeology technician job for labor recruitment for the activities linked to the Landscape Archeology Research Group, GIAP (code G017.149)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on November 19, 2023 (23.59 h.)
Related documentation:
Resolution of the director of the ICAC-CERCA on indefinite employment for the position of computational archaeology technician for the activities linked to the Landscape Archaeology Research Group (GIAP) of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC-CERCA) (code G017.149) (Document electronically signed on November 23, 2023) (in Catalan)
Resolution of the director of the ICAC-CERCA on the job offer to cover a computational archeology technician job (code G017.149) (Document electronically signed on November 10, 2023) (in Catalan)
Job offer to cover a temporary human resources technician position due to temporary substitution for medical leave (code 017.146)
⇒ The deadline for submitting applications ended on October 15, 2023 (at 23:59 h).
Related documentation:
Resolution of the director of the ICAC on the call for the temporary replacement of a human resources technician (code 017.146) (Document manually signed on October 30, 2023) (in Catalan)
Call for the evaluation and internal promotion of permanent research staff of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology, ICAC (code 017.30)
⇒ The deadline for applications ended on September 15, 2023 (at 23.59 h.)
Related documentation:
Resolution of the director of the ICAC on the result of the internal evaluation and promotion of permanent ICAC research staff (code G017.30) (in Catalan) (Document electronically signed on October 25, 2023)
Provisional resolution for the call for internal evaluation and promotion of permanent ICAC research staff (code 017.30) (in Catalan) (Document electronically signed on October 16, 2023)
Final list of accepted and excluded applications for the call for internal evaluation and promotion of permanent ICAC research staff (code 017.30) (in Catalan) (Document electronically signed on September 26, 2023)
Provisional list of accepted and excluded applications for the call for internal evaluation and promotion of permanent ICAC research staff (code 017.30) (in Catalan) (Document electronically signed on September 18, 2023)
Resolution of the director of the ICAC on the evaluation and promotion of permanent research staff of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) (code 017.30) (in Catalan) (Document electronically signed on July 31, 2023)
Call (code 017.30) (in Catalan)
Job offer to cover the position of administrator of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology, ICAC (code 017.139)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on April 5th, 2023, at 11.59 a.m.
Related documentation:
Certificate from the Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) stating that Ms. Maria Gradillas Reverté has been appointed as administrator of the ICAC, a position defined in Article 16 of the ICAC Statutes, effective from July 1, 2023 (document digitally signed on June 21, 2023) (in Catalan)
Resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) on the extension of the deadline for submitting applications to the job offer to fill the position of ICAC administrator (code 017.139) (signed on March 24, 2023) (in Catalan)
Resolution by the ICAC director on the approval of the job offer to cover the position of administrator of the ICAC (code 017.139) (document signed on March 10, 2023) (in Catalan)
INTERNAL PROMOTION to cover the position of Head of the Economic Management Section of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (code 017.30)
Resolution of the ICAC director on the call for internal promotion for the job position of Head of the Economic Management Section of the Research Management and Support Area (code 017.30) (signed on June 20, 2023) (in Catalan)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on June 1st, 2023 (at 23.59 h)
Related documentation:
Resolution of the ICAC director on the call for internal promotion for the job position of Head of the Economic Management Section of the Research Management and Support Area (code 017.30) (signed on May 19, 2023) (in Catalan)
Call o17.30 (in Catalan)
INTERNAL PROMOTION to cover the position of technician specialist in graphic documentation (code 017.32)
Resolution of the ICAC director on the call for internal promotion for the job position of technician specialist in graphic documentation (code 017.32) (signed on June 19, 2023) (in Catalan)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on June 1st, 2023 (at 23.59 h)
Related documentation:
Resolution of the ICAC director on the call for internal promotion for the job position of technician specialist in graphic documentation (code 017.32) (signed on May 19, 2023) (in Catalan)
Call o17.32 (in Catalan)
Job offer to fill a researcher position on Computational Archaeology for the activities linked to the GIAP research group at the ICAC (code 017.141)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on April 11th, 2023, at 23.59 h.
Related documentation:
Resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) on the concession of a permanent job linked to the GIAP (code 017.141) (document signed on May 12, 2023) (in Catalan)
Resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) on the approval of the offer of a permanent job linked to the Landscape Archeology Research Group, GIAP (code 017.141) (document signed on March 27, 2023) (in Catalan)
Call from the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) for the provision of a permanent job position for a senior archaeologist technician (code 017.110)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on January 27, 2023, at 11.59 p.m.
Related documentation:
Final resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology for the concession of a permanent position as a senior archaeologist technician (code 017.110) (signed on May 8, 2023) (in Catalan)
Proposal of the Evaluation and Selection Commission for the provisional concession of a permanent position as a senior archaeologist technician at the ICAC (code 017.110) (signed on April 18, 2023)
Final list of admissions and exclusions – Call 017.110 (signed on March 9, 2023) (in Catalan)
Provisional list of admissions and exclusions – Call 017.110 (signed on February 17, 2023) (in Catalan)
Annex I (application form) (in Catalan)
Annex II (curricular data) (in Catalan)
Annex III (contract acceptance form) (in Catalan)
Call from the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) for the provision of a permanent job position for a senior communication and publications technician (code 017.11)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on January 27, 2023, at 11.59 p.m.
Related documentation:
Final resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology for the concession of a permanent position as a senior communication and publications technician (code 017.11) (signed on April 24, 2023) (in Catalan)
Proposal of the Evaluation and Selection Commission (CAS) for the provisional concession of a permanent position as a senior communication and publications technician (code 017.11) (signed on March 30, 2023) (in Catalan)
Final list of admissions and exclusions – Call 017.11 (signed on March 9, 2023) (in Catalan)
Provisional list of admissions and exclusions – Call 017.11 (signed on February 16, 2023) (in Catalan)
Annex I (application form) (in Catalan)
Annex II (curricular data) (in Catalan)
Annex III (contract acceptance form) (in Catalan)
Call to fill a Zooarchaeology position for the activities linked to the Landscape Archaeology Research Group (GIAP) at the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (code 017.142)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on March 9th, 2023, at 23.59 h.
Related documentation:
Resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) on the call for the provison of a permanent job on Archaeozoology linked to the Landscape Archeology Research Group, GIAP (code 017.142) (document signed on March 28, 2023) (in Catalan)
Resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) on the approval of the offer of a permanent job linked to the Landscape Archeology Research Group (GIAP) (code 017.142) (document signed on February 21, 2023) (in Catalan)
Call to fill a position for a senior technician to promote communication, dissemination, and support the scientific and technical activities, linked to the Landscape Archeology Research Group (GIAP) at the Catalan Institute of Classical Archeology (code 017.140)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on February 26th, 2023, at 23.59 h.
Related documentation:
Resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) on the permanent job linked to the Landscape Archeology Research Group (GIAP) (code 017.140) (document digitally signed on March 7, 2023) (in Catalan)
Resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) on the approval of the offer of a permanent job linked to the Landscape Archeology Research Group (GIAP) (code 017.140) (document signed on February 9, 2023) (in Catalan)
Call to fill a position for a senior technician to carry out knowledge transfer activities in the Landscape Archeology Research Group (GIAP) at the Catalan Institute of Classical Archeology (code 017.138)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on February 19th, 2023, at 23.59 h.
Related documentation:
Resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) on the call 017.38 (document signed on March 6, 2023) (in Catalan)
Resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) on the approval of the offer of a permanent job linked to the Landscape Archeology Research Group (GIAP) (code 017.138) (document signed on February 3, 2023) (in Catalan)
Call from the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) for the provision of a permanent job position for a senior research management technician (code 017.26)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on January 27, 2023, at 11.59 p.m.
Related documentation:
Final resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology for the concession of a permanent position as a senior research management technician (code 017.26) (signed on April 20, 2023) (in Catalan)
Proposal of the Evaluation and Selection Commission (CAS) for the provisional concession of a permanent position as a senior research management technician (code 017.26) (signed on March 23, 2023) (in Catalan)
Final list of admissions and exclusions – Call 017.26 (signed on March 9, 2023) (in Catalan)
Provisional list of admissions and exclusions – Call 017.26 (signed on February 16, 2023) (in Catalan)
Annex I (application form) (in Catalan)
Annex II (curricular data) (in Catalan)
Annex III (contract acceptance form) (in Catalan)
Call from the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) for the provision of a permanent position of assistant of general services and economic management (code 017.31)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on January 27, 2023, at 11.59 p.m.
Related documentation:
- Resolution of the director of the ICAC on the call for the provision of a permanent position of assistant of general services and economic management (code 017.31) (document digitally signed on March 7, 2023) (in Catalan)
- Provisional list of admissions and exclusions – Call 017.31 (signed on February 16, 2023) (in Catalan)
- Resolution of the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) approving the calls for the provision of permanent positions corresponding to the public employment offer of 2020 and the extraordinary stabilization rate of 2022 (codes 017.11 -26-31-110) (in Catalan)
- Call 017.31
- Annex I (application form) (in Catalan)
- Annex II (curricular data) (in Catalan)
- Annex III (contract acceptance form) (in Catalan)
Call for a part-time contract linked to the Archaeometry Studies Unit (UEA) (code 017.123)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on November 10, 2022 (24 h).
Related documentation:
- Resolution by the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) on the indefinite contract as a senior technician at the Archaeometric Studies Unit of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) (code 017.123) (in Catalan) (date of signing November 19, 2022)
- Resolution by the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) on the approval of the call for one part-time indefinite contract as a senior technician to carry out scientific-technical activities in the Archaeometric Studies Unit of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) (code 017.123) (in Catalan)
- Call (code 017.123) (in Catalan)
Call for an indefinite contract linked to the MIRMED research group (code 017.128)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on November 6, 2022 (24 h).
Related documentation:
- Resolution by the director of the Catalan Institut of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) on the indefinite contract as a technical assistant linked to the MIRMED research group at the ICAC (code 017.128) (in Catalan) (date of signing November 17, 2022)
- Resolution by the director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) on the approval of the call for one indefinite contract linked to the MIRMED research group (code 017.128) (in Catalan)
- Call (code 017.128) (in Catalan)
Call for four temporary jobs for technical research assistance, within the framework of the public funding program “Investigo” (codes 017.119-120-121-122)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on October 16, 2022.
Related documentation:
- Resolution by the ICAC director on a temporary job as a technologist at the Archaeobiology Laboratory under the Investigo programme (code 017.119). (date of signing November 9, 2022) (in Catalan)
- Resolution by the ICAC director on a temporary job as a technologist for socialization and knowledge transfer under the Investigo programme (code 017.120). (date of signing November 9, 2022) (in Catalan)
- Resolution by the ICAC director on a temporary job as a technologist for socialization and knowledge transfer (scientific output and data) under the Investigo programme (code 017.121). (date of signing November 9, 2022) (in Catalan)
- Resolution by the ICAC director on a temporary job as a technician at the Archaeometry Laboratory under the Investigo programme (code 017.122). (date of signing November 9, 2022) (in Catalan)
- Resolution by the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) on the call for four temporary jobs for technical research assistance, within the framework of the public funding program “Investigo” (codes 017.119-120-121-122) (in Catalan)
- Resolution (2) by the ICAC director on the temporary job as a technologist at the ICAC Archaeobiology Laboratory under the Investigo programme (code 017.119) (date of signing November 15, 2022) (in Catalan)
- Call 1 (technologist Archaeobiology laboratory GIAP)
- Call 2 (technologist knowledge transfer)
- Call 3 (technologist scientific production and research data)
- Call 4 (technician Archaeometry laboratory ArPA)
Call for the provision of a permanent workplace for the ICAC director’s secretary (multipurpose) (code 017.100)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on February 17, 2022.
Related documentation:
- Annex III. Contract acceptance form (017.100)
- Call announcement posted in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat de Catalunya, DOGC (posted on January 27, 2022) (in Catalan).
- Call of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) for the provision of a permanent workplace of director’s secretary (multipurpose) (code 017.100) (in Catalan).
- Resolution of the ICAC director to approve the call (code 017.100) (signed on January 17, 2022) (in Catalan).
- Provisional list of admissions and exclusions (call 017.100) (signed on March 14, 2022) (in Catalan).
- Final list of admissions and exclusions (call 017.100) (signed on March 14, 2022) (in Catalan).
- Proposal for the provisional concession of a permanent workplace of the ICAC director’s secretary (multipurpose) (code G017.100) (document hand-signed on May 16, 2022) (in Catalan).
- Resolution of the ICAC director for the concession of a permanent workplace of the ICAC director’s secretary (multipurpose) (code G017.100) (document hand-signed on June 27, 2022) (in Catalan).
Postdoctoral researcher for a research project on archaeological sites detection based on multispectral satellite imagery (code 017.101)
The context of this project is an ongoing collaboration between the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) at Tarragona and the Computer Vision Center (CVC) at Barcelona.
The contract is linked to the project Mapping Archaeological Heritage in South Asia (MAHSA) funded by the Arcadia Fund and developed as a collaboration between the University of Cambridge, The University Pompeu Fabra, and the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology.
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on March 27, 2022, at 12:00 p.m.
Related documentation:
- Resolution of the ICAC director on a postdoctoral researcher call for a research project on archaeological site detection based on multispectral satellite imagery (code 017.101) (signed on April 26, 2022).
- Resolución del director del Instituto Catalán de Arqueología Clásica (ICAC) sobre la oferta de un puesto de trabajo de investigación postdoctoral sobre detección de yacimientos arqueológicos a partir de imágenes multiespectrales por satélite (código 017.101) (signed on March 11, 2022).
- Call for the job offer Code 017.101 (English version)
Call CIN21 for two Predoctoral Researchers (code 017.70)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on July 5th, 2021.
Related documentation:
- Resolution of the ICAC director to approve the call (code 017.70)
- Call for two predoctoral researchers contracts CIN21 (code 017.70) (in Catalan)
- Summary of the call (in English)
- Official announcement publication, DOGC (in Catalan)
- Provisional list of admissions and exclusions (call 017.70) (in Catalan)
- Final list of admissions of exclusions (call 017.70) (in Catalan)
- Proposal for the provisional concession of the Evaluation and Selection Commission of the ICAC on the call CIN21 (code 017.70) (in Catalan) (signed on September 27, 2021. Posted online on September 28, 2021) (in Catalan)
- Final resolution of the ICAC director on two predoctoral researchers’ contracts Call CIN2021 (code 017.70) (in Catalan) (signed and posted online on October 20, 2021) (in Catalan)
Training contract of two postdoctoral researchers at the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (code 017.69)
Application deadline was: 15 working days from the day following the publication of the announcement of this call in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat de Catalunya (DOGC)
- Call for two training contracts of postdoctoral researchers at the ICAC in 2020 (code 017.69) (in Catalan).
- Summary of the Call (in English).
- Resolution by ICAC director to approve the call (signed on June 1, 2020)
- Announcement publication in the DOGC (June 8, 2020) (in Catalan)
- Provisional list of admissions and exclusions (call 017.69) (in Catalan)
- Final list of admissions and exclusions (call 017.69) (in Catalan)
- Proposal for the provisional concession of the Evaluation and Selection Commission of the ICAC on the call for postdoctoral training research contracts in 2020 (code 017.69) (in Catalan)
- Final resolution of the ICAC director on two postdoctoral training research contracts call 2020 (code 017.69) (in Catalan)
Computational archaeologist for the research project «Prospección arqueológica inteligente sobre plataforma dron (DIASur)» (code 017.78)
Call: computacional archaeologist with destination Research Group on Landscape Archaeology, GIAP to work on the research project «Prospección arqueológica inteligente sobre plataforma dron (DIASur)» (21.230).
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on October 29, 2020 (24 h).
Related documentation:
- Call (code 017.78) (in Catalan)
- Resolution by the ICAC director to approve the call (code 017.78) (in Catalan)
- Resolution by the ICAC director on the temporary contract of a computational archaeologist (code 017.78) (in Catalan)
Sedimentologist for the research project «Translands» at the GIAP-ICAC (code 017.74)
Job description: sedimentologist to work with the research team in Landscape Archeology (GIAP) in the research project «Translands. Paisajes mediterráneos transportados: un análisis integrado de las dinámicas de ocupación a largo plazo en ambos lados del Mediterráneo» (PGC2018-093734-B-100. MCIU/AEI/FEDER – UE).
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on July 2o, 2020 (24 h).
Related documentation:
- Call (code 017.74) (in Catalan)
- Resolution by ICAC director (in Catalan)
- Resolution by the ICAC director on the contract concession (in Catalan)
- This contract is funded by the research project «Translands. Paisajes mediterráneos transportados: un análisis integrado de las dinámicas de ocupación a largo plazo en ambos lados del Mediterráneo» (PGC2018-093734-B-100. MCIU/AEI/FEDER – UE), financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU), with the support of EU FEDER funds.
Director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology, ICAC
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on October 20, 2019.
Related documentation:
General services and administrative assistant of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology, ICAC (code 017.57)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on September 27, 2019.
Related documentation:
- Resolution (in Catalan. Signed on September 10, 2019)
- Call (in Catalan)
- Annexe_Form (in Catalan)
- NOTE: A material error has been detected in the annex of the job offer and it has been corrected on September 20, 2019.
- Resolution of the acting director on the designation (signed on October 28, 2019) (in Catalan)
Senior Research Assistant of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology, ICAC (code 017.58)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on September 27, 2019.
Related documentation:
- Resolution (in Catalan. Signed on September 12, 2019)
- Call (in Catalan)
- Annexed Form (in Catalan)
- NOTE: A material error has been detected in the annex of the job offer and it has been corrected on September 20, 2019.
- Resolution of the acting director on the designation (signed on October 28, 2019) (in Catalan)
Senior research technician of the Archeometric Studies Unit
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on June 26, 2018.
Related documentation:
- Resolution (in Catalan)
- Call (in Catalan)
- Resolution by the ICAC director announcing an error on the call documentation (in Catalan)
- Public Announcement DOGC (06/05/2018) (in Catalan)
- Provisional list of admissions and exclusions
- Final list of admissions and exclusions
- Resolution for a postponement (in Catalan)
- Provisional proposal (09/12/2018) (in Catalan)
- Resolution for a postponement (09/26/2018) (in Catalan)
- Resolution for a postponement (10/29/2018) (in Catalan)
- Award resolution (manually signed on 11/28/2018) (in Catalan)
Senior technician of the Publications and Communication Service
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on June 13, 2018.
Related documentation:
- Resolució del director (in Catalan)
- Bases (in Catalan)
- Sol·licitud (in Catalan)
- Acceptació (in Catalan)
- Relació provisional de sol·licituds admeses i excloses (in Catalan)
- Relació definitiva d’exclosos (in Catalan)
- Resolució del director (in Catalan)
Postdoctoral Researcher Call 2016
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on January 11, 2017.
Related documentation:
- Resolució definitiva (27/7/2017) (in Catalan)
- Resolució del director de l’ICAC per la qual s’aproven les bases (in Catalan)
- Bases de la convocatòria per a la contractació de personal investigador postdoctoral (in Catalan)
- Publicació al DOGC (19/12/2016) (in Catalan)
- Llista d’admesos i exclosos (3/2/2017) (in Catalan)
- Llista definitiva d’admesos i exclosos (14/2/2017) (in Catalan)
- Proposta provisional (19/5/2017) (in Catalan)
- Resolució del director (1/6/2017) (in Catalan)
Director of the Archaeometric Studies Unit Call
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on January 16, 2017.
Related documentation:
- Resolució (in Catalan)
- Bases (in Catalan)
- Publicació al DOGC (22/12/2016) (in Catalan)
- Sol·licitud (in Catalan)
- Acceptació (in Catalan)
- Llista provisional i definitiva d’admesos i exclosos (26/1/2017) (in Catalan)
- Resolució de l’ampliació (8/3/2017) (in Catalan)
- Resolució provisional (23/3/2017) (in Catalan)
- Resolució definitiva (6/4/2017) (in Catalan)
Administrative Assistant Post (Research and Dissemination)
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on January 09, 2017.
Related documentation:
- Resolució (in Catalan)
- Bases (in Catalan)
- Publicació al DOGC (22/12/2016) (in Catalan)
- Llista provisional d’admesos i exclosos (16/1/2017) (in Catalan)
- Llista definitiva d’admesos i exclosos (25/1/2017) (in Catalan)
- Llista provisional de seleccionats (13/2/2017) (in Catalan)
- Resolució (16/2/2017) (in Catalan)
Four Research Posts as Predoctoral Researcher Call 2015
⇒ Deadline for applications ended on February 13, 2016.
Related documentation:
- Resolució del director per la qual s’aproven les bases de la convocatòria (December 30, 2015) (in Catalan)
- Bases de la convocatòria (in Catalan)
- Publicació al DOGC (January 27, 2016) (in Catalan)
- Relació provisional d’admesos i exclosos (March 09, 2016) (in Catalan)
- Relació definitiva d’admesos i exclosos (March 18, 2016) (in Catalan)
- Resolució per esmenar les bases de la convocatòria i modificar el termini de concessió (May 20, 2016) (in Catalan)
- Acord de la Comissió d’Avaluació i Selecció (July 04, 2016) (in Catalan)
- Resolució definitiva d’adjudicació de quatre contractes d’investigadors novells (September 15, 2016) (in Catalan)
ICAC host postdoctoral Marie Sklodowska Curie students. Until September 14, 2017