Heritage under young forests: recording and interpreting the cultureal heritage underneath the afforested Zagori (NW Greece). (FJC2021-047943-I)
Global archaeology and the peripheral Mediterranean civilisations: the examples of Iberians and Numidians
Estudi i difusió de la vil·la romana de Mas dels Frares i el seu entorn (Constantí, Tarragonès), II Fase (CLT009/22/00033)
Late Roman Unguentaria en Tarragona: resultados preliminares sobre su caracterización tipológica, distribución y evolución en su suburbio portuario (siglos VII-inicios del VIII d. C.)
PlantNetGem: Exploring the process of urbanisation in the Roman provinces of Germania through the study of food plant commerce. HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF-01 n.101063192
An interdisciplinary approach to the combustion structures of the Western Mediterranean Iron Age. The first results
Global archaeology and the peripheral Mediterranean civilisations: the examples of Iberians and Numidians
Survey archaeology in the Mediterranean World: settlement patterns, regional studies, and archaeologies of landscape
La sitja 3 del Vilar (Valls). Resultats preliminars de l’estudi dels materials procedents de les excavacions de 1983