Investigating Combustion Structures through Experimental Approaches at Iron Age Calafell Archaeological Site (Tarragona, Spain)
Iron Age Combustion Structures in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula and South of France: a Transdisciplinary Study
An experimental approach to the study of Iron Age combustion structures in northeastern Iberia: the TRANSCOMB Project
An insigh of sheep’s seasonal reproductive patterns on the northeastern Iberian Peninsula before the Roman influence: the case of the Iron Age rural settlement of Mas Castellar de Pontós (Girona, Spain)
Finalitza la primera fase del projecte de recuperació patrimonial a la vil·la romana de Mas dels Frares (Constantí)
What is in a Vase? Materiality and semiotics of cinerary vases in Egyptian stone and vase shapes in Roman domestic and funerary contexts.
El edificio octogonal tardoantiguo de la villa de la Gran Vía – Can Ferrerons (Premià de Mar, Barcelona)
La vida cotidiana en las villas bajoimperiales hispánicas, producción agrícola y sociedad. Los apartamentos conviviales