Magnificentia et Luxus. Materiales y tecnología del lujo en la Roma alto-imperial / Magnificentia et luxus. Materials and technology of luxury in the early Imperial period
‘The vibrancy of luxury. Materiality, trans-materiality, and technological innovation in Roman sumptuary arts (1st c BC – 2nd c AD)’.
La muerte os sienta tan bien. La mujer y su papel en la producción y exhibición de la cultura material de lujo en los contextos funerarios romanos (I s. a.C. – II s. d.C.).
Greco scritto‹ marble types in public- and semi-public buildings on the eastern coast of Hispania Tarraconensis (1st ‒ 2nd c. AD)
Archaeometric study of the Greco Scritto marble slabs from the Edificio dei Triclinii at Murecine (Pompeii, Italy)
Real, painted or both? A contextual analysis of the alabaster decoration in the Villa of the Mysteries (Pompeii)
‘Cross-fertilization, Crafts People Interaction and Knowledge Transfer in Greco-Roman Stone Vase Production’
The Aeso marmor (Isona, Lleida) as epigraphic media: news from new trends in epigraphic and archaeometric research
Els darrers treballs arqueològics al jaciment visigot de València «la Vella» descobreixen restes d’un gran pou d’aigua que podria connectar amb el riu Túria per a consum humà