Take a look at these books the ICAC Publishing Unit in 2020.
Two new issues in our digital series TRAMA: One led by M. Carme Belarte (ICREA-ICAC), on Protohistoric archaeology, and the other led by Josep Maria Macias, on Visigoth archaeology.
With great care and dedication on the part of authors and editors, a new volume of the series Corpus Signorvm Imperii Romani has been released; a project with which ICAC is been involved for ten years (and which will be the reason for a very special celebration). The new volume is devoted to the province of Cádiz (Hispania Vlterior Baetica); edited with Editorial UCA and our esteemed colleague José Miguel Noguera.
We have also coedited the new volume of the series Arqueo Mediterrània (University of Barcelona), which publishes outputs of the VIII International Meeting of Archaeology of Calafell.
Finally, the ICAC has collaborated in the edition of La cava e il Monumento (Edizioni Quasar), within the results of the Officinae lapidariae Tarraconenses research project, led by Diana Gorostidi (URV-ICAC).
Check out the information about these publications:
Recintos fortificados en época visigoda: historia, arquitectura y técnica constructiva. Josep Maria Macias Solé, Albert Ribera Lacomba, Miquel Rosselló Mesquida (editores científicos). TRAMA, 8
Urbanization in Iberia and Mediterranean Gaul in the first millennium BC. Maria Carme Belarte, Jaume Noguera, Rosa Plana-Mallart, Joan Sanmartí (scientific editors). TRAMA, 7
CORPVS SIGNORVM IMPERII ROMANI. Corpus de escrulturas del imperio romano. Provincia de Cádiz (Hispania Vlterior Baetica). José Beltrán Fortes; Mª Luisa Loza Azuaga. Editorial UCA / ICAC
Iron Metallurgy and the Formation of Complex Societies in the Western Mediterranean (1st Millennium BC). Maria Carme Belarte, Maria Carme Rovira, Joan Sanmartí (editors). UB / ICAC
La cava e il monumento. Materiali, officine, sistemi di costruzione e produzione nei cantieri edilizi di età imperiale. A cura di Maria Serena Vinci, Adalberto Ottati e Diana Gorostidi Pi. Edizioni Quasar
Per a més informació i contacte: publicacions@icac.cat