Belarte, M.C.; Portillo, M.; Mateu, M.; Saorin, C.; Pescini, V.; Pecci, A.; Vila, S., "Proposta metodològica per al mostreig i l’estudi interdisciplinari d’estructures de combustió", Revista d'Arqueologia de Ponent, 33, p. 93-105. Carhus+B.
Article en revistes indexades | 2023
Belarte Franco, M. C.; Pastor Quiles, M.; Mateu Sagués, M.; Portillo, M.; Saorin, C.; Pecci, A.; Vila, S.; Gomar, A., 2023, "Experimental combustions conducted at the Iberian Citadel of Calafell (Tarragona, Spain) between 2021 and 2022",, CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca, V1.
Dataset | 2023
Belarte, M.C.; Molist, M.; Portillo, M.; Mateu, M. (Eds.), Fire installations in Mediterranean Late Prehistory: multidisciplinary approaches to their uses and functions, Journal of Archaeological Science Reports, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Llibre | 2023
Belarte, M.C.; Pastor, M.; Mateu, M.; Portillo, M.; Saorin, C.; Pecci, A.; Vila, S.; Gomar, A., "Iron Age combustion structures in the north‑eastern Iberian Peninsula: an interdisciplinary experimental study", Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 15. JCR (ISI), Factor d'impacte: 2.8 (Q1, Anthropology); Scopus, CiteScore: 5.0 (Q1, 96%, Archeology); Carhus+A.
Article en revistes indexades | 2023
Belarte, M.C.; Portillo, M.; Mateu, M.; Saorin, C.; Pastor, M.; Vila, S.; Pescini, V., "An interdisciplinary approach to the combustion structures of the Western Mediterranean Iron Age. The first results", Journal of Archaeological Science - Reports, 49 (2023). JCR (ISI), Factor d'impacte: 1.6 (Q1, Archaeology); Scopus, CiteScore: 3.0 (Q1, 91%, Archeology (arts and humanities)).
Article en revistes indexades | 2023
Més publicacions
Saorin, C.; Belarte Franco, M. C.; Portillo Ramírez, M.; Mateu Sagués, M.; Pastor Quiles, M.; Vila, S.; Pescini, V., 2022, "FTIR analyses of samples of Tossal de la Vila (La Serra d’en Galceran, Castellón) and Masies de Sant Miquel (Banyeres del Penedès, Tarragona, Spain) combustion structures",, CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca, V1.
Dataset | 2022
Mateu, M., Fernández, H., Daneels, A., Cabadas, H., Piña, S., "Earthen architecture in the Mesoamerican Classic Period: a micromorphological approach to its manufacture process", Journal of Archaeological Science, 137, p. 105525. JCR (ISI), Factor d'impacte: 3.508 (Q1, Arcaheology, anthropology); Scopus, CiteScore: 5.4 (Q1, 98%, Archeology); Carhus+A.
Article en revistes indexades | 2022
Daneels, A.; Mateu, M.; Fernández, H.; Piña, S.; Cabadas-Báez, H., "Soil modification in the manufacturing process of Mesoamerican earthen architecture", Boletín de la Sociead Geológica Mexicana, 74 (3).
Article en d'altres revistes | 2022
Belarte, M.C.; Pastor, M.; Portillo, M.; Saorin, C.; Mateu, M.; Pecci, A.; Vila, S.; Pou, J.; Castells, G.; Morer, J.; Fernández, J., "Experimental Archaeology of Iron Age Firing Structures from the Western Mediterranean", EXARC Journal, 2022/2.
Article en d'altres revistes | 2022