Activitats científiques
- Ponència Moreno, D., Pescini, V.
Transhumance, Cross-Border Movement, and Historical-Environmental Heritage
Unstable Borders: Cross-Border Connections Between Cultural Heritage, Materiality, and Grenzgänger. - Comunicació Palet, J.M; Pescini, V.; Carbonell, A.
Cultural landscapes and livestock activities on a long-term perspective in high mountain environments in the Eastern Pyrenees (Segre and Ter valleys, NE Iberian Peninsula)
Determinisms and cultural geographies? A micropolitical approach to archaeology of mountain landscapes - Comunicació Palet, J. M.; Flórez, M.; Carbonell, A.; Martínez, J.; Pescini, V.; Colominas, L.; Mayoral, A.
The Cultur-Monts European project (Interreg Sudoe): enhancing Mountain Cultural Landscapes as a resource for social innovation, sustainable tourism and territorial development
The International Spanish-Eqyptian Congress for Tourism, Hospitality and Heritage (ISECT) - Comunicació Pescini, V., Braga, L., Cevasco, R., Égüez, N., Florenzano, A., Menozzi, B.I., Mercuri, A.M., Moreno, D., Rattighieri, E., Rellini, I., Tigrino, V.
Pastureland of Mount Mongioie: the contribution of environmental archaeology between research and application
AEA-Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology - Comunicació Pescini, V., Cevasco, R.
“Wild” food herbs: local food systems and environmental management in Liguria, NW Italy (16th-21st centuries)
Ethnoarchaeology of livelihood practices 2024
Veure més
- Comunicació Moreno, D., Pescini, V.
Archaeology of foodscape: the use of camp oven (testo da pane) in a lost post medieval pastoral landscape (Eastern Apennines – Italy)
Ethnoarchaeology of livelihood practices 2024 - Comunicació Cevasco, R., Pescini, V.
Mongioie mountain pastures: first explorations of the Raschera and Toma di Pian Rosso cheese foodscapes (Maritime Alps, Italy)
ISGSS-International Society for Gastronomic Science and Study - Altres científica Pescini, V., Aniceti, V., Cevasco, R., Gabellieri, N.
Session Organisation: ‘Past Is Not Past’. Environmental Effects of Past Land Use on Present Resources Ecology. Environmental Archaeology between Research and Application
EAA-European Association of Archaeologists Conference - Comunicació Pescini, V., Gabellieri, N.
Interdisciplinary research on charcoal kiln sites in Montieri (Tuscany-Italy): environmental dynamics and woodmanship practices between 18th-20th century
EAA-European Association of Archaeologists Conference - Altres científica Martinez, A., Sulas, F., Dossche, R., Qihao Shen, Q., Segar, J., Pescini, V., Santana Cordero, A.M., Hatlestad, K., Arthur, F., Fanta, V., Biró. M., Tomson. P., Petek-Sargeant. N., Lane, P., Ekblom. A., Kluiving, S., Crumley, C., Mattew D.
Session Organisation: Bridging historical landscape ecology and landscape archaeology: common questions and challenges in a rapidly changing world
LAC-Landscape Archaeology Conference - Comunicació Flórez, M.; Palet, J. M.; Carbonell, A.; Colominas, L.; Mayoral, A.; Pescini, V.; Gallego-Valle, A.; Martínez, T.; Coma, L.
El nou laboratori didàctic en Arqueologia del paisatge de l’ICAC: una eina divulgativa per a la transferència i l’impacte social del coneixement
XVIII Fòrum Auriga - Comunicació Flórez, M.; Palet, J. M.; Carbonell, A.; Colominas, L.; Mayoral, A.; Pescini, V.; Gallego-Valle, A.; Martínez, T.; Coma, L.
Discovering landscape archaeology. The didactic laboratory as a tool for outrech and transfer of knowledge in science and research
43rd edition of the The Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA). Telling environmental archaeology stories - Comunicació Gomar, A.; Portillo, M.; Mateu, M.; Pescini, V.; Vila, S.; Belarte, M.C.
Disentangling fuel use in ancient Iberian Cesetania through integrated high-resolution approaches (Tarragona, Spain, 5th-3rd century BC)
43rd Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA) - Comunicació Pescini, V.; Carbonell, A.; Colominas, L.; Égüez, N.; Mayoral, A.; Palet, J. M.
In the footsteps of the first shepherds in the Eastern Pyrenees: archaeological and paleoenvironmental characterization of neolithic pastoral practices
29th European Association of Archaeologist (EAA) Annual Meeting - Comunicació Carbonell, A.; Pescini, V.; Colominas, L.; Gallego, A.; Mayoral, A.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Orengo, H. A.; Palet, J. M.;
What does a roman do on top of that mountain? microregional landscape analysis of land-use dynamics in the Eastern Pyrenees
29th European Association of Archaeologist (EAA) Annual Meeting - Comunicació Palet, J. M.; Carbonell, A.; Colominas, L.; Mayoral, A.; Pescini, P.
Landscape Archaelogy research in the Eastern Pyrenees (Segre and Ter valleys, NE Iberian Peninsula): settlement and land-use dynamics on a long -term perspective
Archaeology of the Mountains. Research, Methods, analysis - Comunicació Belarte, M.C., Portillo, M., Mateu, M., Saorin, C., Pastor, M., Pecci, A., Pou, J., Morer, J., Castells, G., Vila, S., Pescini, V.
Recherche experimentale sur des structures de combustion de l’Âge du Fer en Méditerranée nord-occidentale (projet TRANSCOMB)
6ème Congrès International d'Archéologie Expérimentale - Pézenas - Comunicació Carbonell, A.; Colominas, L.; Pescini, V.; Mayoral, A.; Egüez, N.; Aliende, P.; Palet, J. M.
Rere les passes de la transhumància a l’antiguitat: arqueologia d’alta muntanya al massís de Puigpedrós i a la vall del Duran (la Cerdanya)
II Congrés de Transhumància i Camins Ramaders. Transhumància: activitat ancestral i eina de desenvolupament territorial - Comunicació Belarte, M.C.; Portillo, M.; Mateu, M.; Saorin, C.; Pastor, M.; Pou, J.; Morer, J.; Castells, G.; Vila, S.; Pescini, V.
From fuel to embers: experimenting on Iron Age combustion structures in the Western Mediterranean
28th EAA Annual Meeting - Comunicació Carbonell, A.; Colominas, L; Pescini, V.; Mayoral, A.; Egüez, N.; Gallego-Valle, A.; Martínez, J.; Palet, JM.
Tracing Neolithic and Medieval livestock farming in eastern Pyrenees: the combined archaeological and palaeoenvironmental study of Molleres II (Puigpedrós massif)
(Re)integration: 28 th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists. - Ponència Belarte, M.C.; Portillo, M.; Mateu, M.; Saorin, C.; Pecci, A.; Vila, S.; Pescini, V.; Pastor, M.
Interdisciplinary methodology for the study of domestic features of the Iron Age in the Western Mediterranean
Archaeosciences Workshop - Comunicació Palet, J.M.; Pescini, V.; Colominas, L.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Euba, I.
Integrated landscape research in ter high mountain valleys (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain): Livestock, settlement dynamics and land-use in a long-term perspective
Widening Horizons: 27 th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists - Comunicació Carbonell, A.; Palet, J. M.; Colominas, L.; Martínez, J.; Pescini, V.; Gallego-Valle, A.; Aliende, P.
Archaeological survey in a high-mountain environment: livestock settlements land-use and landscape dynamics in Puigpedrós massif and Duran valley (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain)
Widening Horizons: 27 th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists - Comunicació Belarte, M.C.; Pastor, M.; Saorin, C.; Pou, J.; Castells, G.; Portillo, M.; Morer, J.; Fernández, J.; Mateu, M.; Vila, S.; Pescini, V.; Pecci, A.
An experimental approach to the study of Iron Age combustion structures in northeastern Iberia: the TRANSCOMB Project
XIX° CONGRES MONDIAL UISPP - Comunicació de Palet, J. M.; Pescini, V.; Colominas, L.; Fossati, M.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Gallego-Valle, A.; Orengo, H. O.
Livestock, transhumance and landscape change in the Eastern Pyrenees (high Ter valleys): an interdisciplinary and long-term research
Congrés d’arqueologia del paisatge: LAC2020+1 - Comunicació Pescini V., Menozzi B.I., Rellini I., Égüez N.
Landscapes of transhumance. Historical and environmental characterization of agro-sylvo-pastoral practices in Maritime Alps (Piedmont, Italy) between the 12th and 20th century
Anthraco2023 - 8th International Anthracology Meeting - Ponència Valentina Pescini
Characterizing past fire regimes. Why Environmental Archaeology and Anthracology matters
Grassland/Forest Shifts in Era of Climate Change: Ecological and Social Consequences of Fire Suppression and Pastoral Abandonment in Italy, Southern Africa and Norway - Altres científica Cevasco, R., Pescini, V.
Session Organisation: Characterization of Local Foodscapes and Foodways: New Frontiers of Geographical, Ethnobotanical, Archaeological Research
ISGSS-International Society for Gastronomic Science and Study